Dominique Garcia

Raised in Geneva, Switzerland, and having an active family, Dominique
feels most at home when moving her body and being outdoors!

Dominique's passion for strength training began when she found herself
at a crossroads of dealing with a running injury, training for Spartan
races and dispelling the myth that lifting weights leads to bulkiness.
She is a big proponent of strength training, whether it’s to enhance
physical performance for your sport, injury prevention, bone health,
or simply for your mental health and confidence! Her personal motive
for strength training is “training for life”!

At the core of her training philosophy is the belief that consistent,
proper mechanics, and progressive strength training are the
fundamental ingredients that will help you reach your goals. She will
meet you where you’re at, making workouts challenging and fun by using
a mix of traditional and innovative strength exercises! If you see her
on the gym floor and need assistance with anything, she will be happy
to help!